View, but don't touch...

When doing this job it can often be all too easy to forget you are dealing with someone’s most prized possession. Their home, which they have entrusted you to sell, is usually one of the largest assets they have. It is a core part of their life, it reflects their personality and the way they live and as such it should be treated with respect. During a viewing where a vendor might be in the house it is only appropriate ensure that fair warning is given to the viewer. The reason for this is to avoid the toe-curling embarrassment that immediately follows someone saying: " What an awful carpet !” or, " What on earth possessed them to buy those curtains ." Viewers frequently have to be reminded that they are not buying the current vendors lifestyle, but a property that they may wish to choose to make their own home one day. If they do not like how it is presented now, that is fine, but the current owner should most certainly not be made aware. The best way...